Our world is made up with ground and surface water The force of the water that was approximately three sections (75%) and land a part (25%), water is crucial to the life of plants and animals on earth including the human.
Water is a renewable resource that can happen to any เรื่อย never be exhausted. When the sunlight on Earth. Water from the sea and the oceans will evaporate the water to rise above, because water vapor is lighter than air. When water vapor and float to heaven. Will be cool and condense into tiny water droplets floating coagulation as a group Khe mm. When capture the rise and will affect the cold condensing into water droplets agree to earth Water on Earth will evaporate into steam again when the heat from a light Thit Bay. Steam clouds will gather and condense as water droplets this process. Occurs as a continuous flow cycle time is called the water cycle, water occurs on Earth is regularly
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