Water is essential to human life very much but if there is more water than necessary. It is a very serious natural disasters as well.
Did u know?
Now our world is changing in a way that is very scary. All factors that change the world. Are caused by human hands of the total with the intention And do not intend any.
Today our world has changed.
Who will be responsible for what happened to our world?
If not all human beings living on this planet. Whether all forms of natural disasters caused by water, soil, heat, wind and whether it happens anywhere on this planet.
We should all work together our global responsibilities.
What do you feel it?
The world is crying from the flood.
The world is mad from landslides, storms, and heat.
My birth's place has Changed too.
This is hot almost all year round with rain only 1-2 months per year only.
When hot weather is very hot. Heat that can not live outdoors in the daytime. And it was very hot at night. Today's rain is raining all day and all night. What will stop the rain falls during only a few. This will be brief.
The advantages of the province near the equator of the Earth is the continuous hot weather for several days to make rain, Although short-term needs, but it makes good sense and is very refreshing. Among the hot weather.
In the past, my province have 4 months of hat a year and 8 months of rain a year like this since my birth. But in the present. Hot weather, up from 4 months to 8 to 10 months per years, and rain only once a year for 2 to 4 months per year.
Climate is already back together. During the summer rainy season.
Today have the announcement from the provincial administration. Be careful of flash floods in my provinces. and my province, I do not flood in the province for a period of more than 12 years ago.
What the happen?